Murray Hallam Aquaponics Made Easy DVD

Murray Hallam
Your first step in Aquaponics! World-renowned aquaponics expert Murray Hallam takes you through the basic principles of aquaponics, setting you on a solid foundation, based in practical experience. . . . read more

Selected Size/Selection: DVD

$39.95 (AUD)



Product Details

There's so much competing information about aquaponics on the internet!  Some of it's just rubbish!  And even if you can find the good stuff, it's usually patchy and fragmented, so it can be hard to feel confident that you know what you're doing.

This film will help you!  It provides all the basics in one place - from a widely-respected, active practitioner (and teacher!) of aquaponics, who's been successfully doing it for well over a decade! 

Murray Hallam takes you from the basics of what aquaponics is and how you make it work, and steps you through building your own system.  Start your aquaponics journey on a foundation built from years of practical experience.  Learn from one of the best!

Aquaponics is a created ecosystem, in which fish, microbes and plants live in mutually-beneficial relationships.

It is a space-saving, water-saving, productive, organic way of growing your own food plants and fish, right at home!

This film covers the fundamental information you need to know to get started in aquaponics, all in one place.

  • Explanation of what aquaponics is
  • The basics of building and running an aquaponics system
  • Explanation of the autosiphon and flood-and-drain media beds
  • Size ratio of fish-tank to grow-bed
  • Creating the nutrient balance needed ('cycling the system')
  • Water testing and adjusting
  • Fish and plant stocking levels
  • Fish types
  • Feeding fish
  • Basic organic pest management
  • And more!

Over 90 minutes of quality information!

Take a huge step forward by learning aquaponics basics from one of the best.


This film is also available as a streaming video.

  • I have all three and they are worth every cent/penny and also worth watching over and over again!!! Having attended the 4-day farm course in February’13 was great as well – there is still appetite for more DVDs, showing your latest results of your research, Murray. Love your work. Keep it up and God bless you.
    Evelin Röshel
  • They are all very informative and practical, really glad I had them when I built my system but I also did the day course as well which was a great help with the initial understanding of how it all works. I highly recommend the day course!
    Sean Thomas
  • I have the DIY and the Aquaponics Secrets and think both are great. Now I have been doing it longer I find the secrets most useful but the DIY was indispensable when I first started.
    Rachael Wilson

Additional Information


Murray Hallam is probably the best-known face in the world-wide Aquaponics movement. Murray is by nature an innovator and in his Research & Development facility has perfected many new methodologies for commercial farm Aquaponic systems.


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Proven and tested, there are hundreds of our kits in operation in every state of Australia and we have exported our kits to the USA, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Nassau. The wonderful thing about Aquaponics is that almost anyone can participate and get to grow some clean, healthy vegetables and fish.



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